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The Two Approaches To Marketing

All marketing uses two basic approaches. When I was growing up and maybe when you were too, marketers used ‘The Influence Method’.

1. The Influence Method

Make a product. Create an advertising campaign, jingle or tagline to persuade people to want whatever you are selling. Increase sales. Make more products. Buy more ads. Rinse and repeat.
It’s getting much harder to sell things because they ‘snap, crackle and pop’.

2. The Impact Method

The approach that’s working now for brands and businesses who want to matter to their customers is ‘The Impact Method’. Find a group of people you are interested in serving. Understand their problems. Get their permission to talk to them. Create a solution that delights and impacts them. Serve more people. Do it all over again.
It’s easier than ever to find and create difference for a group of people you care about serving.

It’s not difficult to work out which approach is the more sustainable. Which one are you choosing?

Image by Carlota.